Outpatient Programme



The Outpatient Programme at CPAS offers specialized therapy and intervention services to clients diagnosed with cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities for better social and community participation. This programme is designed for clients who can commute to our centre, either independently or through caregiver assistance.

One or a combination of any two therapy services such as physiotherapy or occupational therapy or speech and language therapy, based on the assessed needs of the clients who attend the CPAS centre-based therapy programme.


Core Services

Our service offerings are comprehensive and include:

  • Assessment: Comprehensive evaluation to ascertain the client's specific needs and conditions.
  • Goal Planning: Crafting a customized treatment plan focused on achieving measurable outcomes.
  • Intervention: Execution of the planned therapeutic interventions.
  • Monitoring: Ongoing tracking of client progress through key performance indicators.
  • Review: Periodic adjustments to the treatment plan based on performance reviews.
  • Adaptive Equipment Recommendations: Expert advice on assistive technology and adaptive equipment to enhance therapy and facilitate daily living activities, learning, and communication.
  • Community Mobility and Accessibility: Training and resources for navigating public spaces and community inclusion.
  • Caregiver Empowerment: Equip caregivers with essential tools and knowledge for efficient caregiving.
  • Funding Assistance: Expert guidance in securing financial aid, such as ATF funds, for purchasing assistive devices.
  • Integration Support: Consultative services for clients facing challenges in mainstream education and vocational training, as applicable.
  • Well-Being for Caregivers: Offering strategies and support aimed at ensuring caregiver wellness.


Domains of Intervention

We aim to enhance:

  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Cognitive and perceptual skills
  • Speech, language, and literacy skills
  • Social Communication skills
  • Functional Mobility
  • Community Access
  • Social engagement
  • Self-help abilities, including effective use of assistive devices


Admission Criteria

  • Diagnosis of cerebral palsy or related developmental disabilities by a medical practitioner.
  • Open to Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents, regardless of race, language, or religion.
  • Age eligibility: 7 to 60 years old.
  • Parent or guardian consent for adherence to our Therapy Rehabilitation Programme's terms.
  • Submission of a medical report detailing the diagnosed disability.


Operating Hours

Consultations and therapies are conducted between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., from Monday to Friday.


Duration and Frequency

Therapy sessions last a minimum of 30 minutes and can be scheduled on a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis, based on the client's needs.


Fees and Subsidies

Fees Before 8% GST Fees After 9% GST Subsidy Level
$55 $59.95 Full Fees
$41.25 $44.96 25% Subsidy
$27.50 $29.98 50% Subsidy
$13.75 $14.99 75% Subsidy

Fees and subsidy levels are determined by our social workers following a thorough means test.


Application Process

To apply, please complete the referral form and email it to