Application process for potential CPAS School East students
  • Please submit your child’s application using the digitised Special Education (SPED) school application form, at
  • Please note that your child’s psychological assessment report(s) is/are required (but we do not require an IQ score)
  • An Initial Assessment (IA) will be conducted by our team to assess the current level of performance for the child once we receive your application
  • The admission of the child to school will depend on the availability of the class placement in the suitable educational programme and the final decision of the CPAS Programmes Sub-Committee
  • Children who are between 7 years to 18 years old
  • Children with multiple disabilities (except Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)
Admission Timeline for Junior Level (7 Years Old)
  • Application period: By end August
  • Start of school: January of next academic year
Admission Timeline for Other Levels
  • Application period: No deadline. Application closes when all vacancies are filled.
  • Start of school: Within 2 weeks, if found suitable after the intake assessment.
Transfer from Mainstream School to SPED School
  • With effect from 10 October 2022, applications for a transfer from a mainstream school to a SPED school must be facilitated through the student’s mainstream school. Please approach the mainstream school Principal to apply for the transfer.
  • Direct applications from parents/legal guardians, private professionals, and hospitals will not be accepted.

  • For more information, please visit

Waitlisting in SPED Schools for Primary 1/ Junior 1 Placement
  • With effect from 1 January 2023, a child applying for placement in Primary 1 / Junior 1 in a government-funded SPED school can only be placed on the waitlist if the child has first been placed in another government-funded SPED school1 which serves the same primary diagnosed condition. Please refer to this link for the list of SPED schools categorised by the primary diagnosed conditions.

1A child placed in a mainstream school will not be eligible to be on the waitlists for SPED schools. Should there be interest to transfer the child to a SPED school, please refer to the “Transfers from Mainstream Schools to SPED schools” section for more details.

This requirement will also apply to returning Singaporeans entering SPED schools at all levels2.

2This requirement will not be applied to P3 and above children who can access ASD-NC schools in 2023. This is because Pathlight School is the only ASD-NC school that offers P3 and above classes in 2023. This requirement will be extended accordingly to P3 and above children when the other ASD-NC school, St. Andrew’s Mission School progressively offers P3 and above and secondary levels.

For more information, please contact the CPAS Social Work Department at 6585 5617.