What is the minimum commitment required?

Most of our volunteering opportunities are service-based roles that involve high levels of interaction with the students and beneficiaries. Hence, we require volunteers to commit to a minimum of one school term at one regular timeslot, weekly (e.g. Every Monday 10am).

School Terms

Term 1: January - March
Term 2: March – May
Term 3: July – September
Term 4: September – November

Can I volunteer on weekends?

Most of our Service-based roles are in-centre sessions on weekdays only. From time to time, we may have Event-based volunteering and Skill-based volunteering opportunities. These opportunities may be limited; hence we seek your kind understanding if we cannot accommodate your request.

Please write in to [email protected] to enquire.

What are your typical volunteering hours?

Each volunteering opportunity may last between 30 minutes to 4 hours. We will match you to our volunteer openings according to your availability.

Early Intervention Program for Infants and Children: 8am-5.15pm (4 Sessions)
CPAS School:
8am -5pm (2 Sessions)
Adult Services:

What are the skills needed for me to be a volunteer?

We are seeking volunteers who are dedicated, patient and understanding to work with children, youths and adults with special needs.

All volunteers will go through a briefing to ensure that they are better prepared for the volunteering role.

Would I be reimbursed for my transport fees?

No, CPAS is not able to reimburse any transport fees or costs incurred during the course of volunteering.

Volunteers are not expected to pay for anything above their own expenses.

We are from a School or Institute of Higher Learning (IHL), can we volunteer?

Yes, we welcome schools and IHLs to volunteer with us.

Do note that our centre cannot accommodate large numbers of volunteers at once. Students visiting from school or IHLs should be in uniform/ school attire.

Please write in to [email protected] to enquire.

We are from a company looking to do our annual corporate social responsibility (CSR) activity, can we volunteer?

Yes, we welcome corporates to visit us at our centre.

Do note that our centre cannot accommodate large numbers of volunteers at once. We will try our best to curate a meaningful CSR project with all partners. Please kindly provide us more details by writing in to us.

Do you conduct public education tours?

Yes, public education tours are limited to once a month, please enquire in advance.

Please write in to [email protected] to enquire.