Occupational Therapy

Our occupational therapists address the use of purposeful activities and a variety of treatment methods to obtain the desired level of functioning in living, learning and working.

Occupational therapists address the functional needs related to:

  • Sensory processing and integration
  • Visual perception/cognition
  • Hand function
  • Prewriting and writing skills
  • Activities of daily living and life skills training
  • Posture and movement
  • Positioning and special seating
Specialised Services

Occupational therapists are qualified to provide consultations in the following clinics:

Sensory Integration

This programme involves assessment and treatment of sensory issues affecting the client’s function. As defined, sensory integration is the neurological process that organises sensation from one’s body and from the environment which makes it possible to use the body effectively within the environment.

The focus of this treatment is the client’s sensory experience and the adaptive response in the context of play and purposeful activities to prepare him/her for learning higher level skills.

Visual Perceptual and Cognitive Skills

This training has the primary objective of helping clients to develop and/or improve visual perception which means the ability to interpret and use what is seen. This is one of the important pre-requisite skills to develop and/or improve cognitive components such as attention, memory, concept formation and problem solving which are necessary for higher level learning and education. Therapists use remedial activities and train clients to use different strategies.

Hand Function, Pre-Writing and Handwriting Programme

This is done in individual or group therapy sessions wherein therapists use practical approaches to develop and/or improve pre-writing, writing, scissoring and other school-related skills based on knowledge from biomechanical and ergonomic principles, neuro developmental, perceptual-motor and sensory integration incorporated in creative activities.

Activities of Daily Living and Life Skills Training Programme

One on one goal-directed therapy intervention is provided to clients to help them develop and/or improve movement and posture, gross and fine motor skills, strength and coordination needed to acquire daily living skills such as eating, dressing and grooming with maximum independence, with or without the use of assistive devices.

Clients are also trained to perform advanced daily living skills and pre-vocational skills through age-appropriate activities.

This training is carried out on an individual or group basis. It assists clients to develop or improve task-coping and self-coping skills through simulated and actual training such as mobility in the community, taking public transport, managing money, consumer skills such as shopping, and performing basic household tasks such as meal preparation and cooking.

Consultation and provision of professional advice on environmental modification at school, home and work to promote accessibility and independence. Occupational Therapists recommend special wheelchairs and daily living equipment such as special feeding devices to help in life skills.

Parents / Caregivers and Teachers Training Programme

The department has trained professionals with advanced certification in training and assessment.

The department conducts various training programmes for parents, caregivers and teachers on:

  • Seating and positioning
  • Hand function, pre-writing and handwriting skills
  • Visual perception and cognition
  • Upper limb facilitation for upper limb function and fine motor skills; basic Activities of Daily Living - Feeding and Grooming
  • Sensory stimulation and sensory integration
  • Activities of daily living
  • Assistive technology
  • Motor planning
  • Transitional skill for vocational training – pre-vocational skills
  • Tips for toilet training