Social Work

Social Workers assist clients and their families to cope with issues resulting from disabilities and help the clients realise their full potential through the following services:

Information and Referrals

  • Arrange initial screening sessions with Trans-Disciplinary team of professionals regarding the suitability of referred clients or enrolment into any programmes
  • Refer clients to suitable service agencies in the community if necessary

Casework and Counseling

  • Provide a psycho-social assessment of the client’s family situation

Home Visitations

  • Provide counselling for clients and their families to clarify and strengthen decision-making

Financial Assistance

  • Provide means testing for clients to establish their eligibility for existing schemes
  • Assess financial assistance applications for purchase of recommended equipment

Link with Community Resources

  • Provide linkages with other social service providers and community groups to meet the multiple needs of the clients
  • Connect clients and their families to appropriate resources and support networks in the community

Parents and Caregivers Support

  • Facilitate training sessions for parents on relevant topics to enable them to be effective caregivers
  • Facilitate mutual support  among parents to reinforce positive caregiving behaviours
  • Conduct support groups for parents and caregivers

Agency Visits for Transition

  • Organise agency visits for parents of graduating students to assist them in their child’s transition planning