Speech & Language Pathology
Our Speech & Language Pathologists (SLP) focus on the Assessment and Management of Speech, Language, Communication, Literacy, as well as Feeding and Swallowing skills to facilitate children and adults with cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities in achieving their fullest potential. Intervention through Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is also provided by using low and high tech devices for those with complex communication needs and reduced speech intelligibility.
SLPs provide specialised services through:
- Feeding and Swallowing Clinic
- Audiology Clinic
- Assistive Technology Hub
Clinical activities
The Speech and Language Pathology Department conducts assessment to identify the current status of a client’s speech, language, cognitive-communication, and feeding and swallowing skills prior to intervention planning. The SLPs provide therapy services for disorders related to articulation, language and literacy, social communication, and feeding and swallowing across the CPAS programmes, namely EIPIC, CPAS School, DAC and the Outpatient Programme. SLPs provide services to a wide range of clients with Global Developmental Delay, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Speech and Language Delay and to clients with feeding and swallowing difficulties. SLPs work closely with teachers and caregivers to ensure that the clients benefit maximally across settings, such as classroom, home and community.
Specialised Clinics
Feeding/Swallowing Clinic:
Speech and Language Pathology department runs “Feeding & Swallowing Clinic” once a week on referral basis. The clients with picky eating, feeding, oromotor and/or swallowing issues from the CPAS Special School, Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Children, Day Activity Centre, GROW and Outpatient Programme are referred to the clinic by the teachers, interventionists, training officers or other allied health professionals. The focus of this clinic is to evaluate and provide appropriate recommendations on safe feeding practices, feeding assistive devices and more for clients. It also facilitates active participation among parents, caregivers & teachers in order to improve the quality of life of the clients.
We provide therapeutic intervention for the treatment of dysphagia through Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) via VitalStim therapy. It is an intervention that is non-invasive and uses external neuromuscular electrical stimulation therapy that re-educates the throat muscles needed for swallowing. Speech and Language Pathology Department conducts specialised VitalStim therapy for selected clients who meet the specific intake criteria and are enrolled in various CPAS programmes.
Equipment Loan Library
A list of equipment is forthcoming.
Advocacy and Outreach
Speech and Language Pathology department commemorates Speech Therapy Week every year in the first week of November to create and promote awareness among the public about the role of SLPs in the management of communication, speech, language, literacy and swallowing disorders. The department also organises open houses, public talks and other activities in conjunction with this event. It also encourages visits from local, regional and international communities by both professionals and non-professionals alike.
Clinical Education
SLPs at the department are recognised clinical educators by the National University of Singapore. The department also welcomes students on SLP programmes from local, regional and international education institutes for clinical placements.
The Team
Our passionate and vibrant team of SLPs hold post graduation degrees from renowned universities. Most of them hold certifications like Hanen, Neuro Developmental Therapy - Pediatrics (NDT), VitalStim therapy, Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA), training in Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS), Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display (PODD), and Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets (PROMPT).