CPAS21 WorldCPMonth

World Cerebral Palsy Day 2021


Date: 1 August to 31 October 2021

Remember Suzy? She is our long-time ambassador and iconic donation box, who helps raise awareness and funds for essential programmes and services which our clients need. Since 1984, she has been stationed at various locations around Singapore such as in malls or supermarkets.

Spare Your Change for Suzy is back for the second year as Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS) commemorates World Cerebral Palsy Month in October 2021! Cerebral palsy is a permanent, life-long condition caused by damage to the developing brain, which affects muscle movement and posture. 

Leading up to World Cerebral Palsy Month, Suzy will once again be rallying support from kind supporters like yourself to raise funds for persons with cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities.

From 1 August to 31 October 2021, CPAS invites individuals, ground-up movements, schools, and corporates to participate in #SpareYourChangeforSuzy. The campaign aims to achieve a target of S$100,000 in donations.

Every dollar matters, as all donations under this campaign will qualify for dollar-for-dollar matching by Tote Board’s Enhanced Fund-Raising Programme (EFR) and the Government. Your impact will be doubled!

Join us in making a difference to the lives of our beneficiaries. All donations mean the world as every dollar will go a long way in funding essential programmes and services for over 700 persons with cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities.

Three Ways to Participate:
1. Digital Fundraising on Launch your own fundraising campaign with the hashtag #SpareYourChangeforSuzy or make a direct donation here.

2. Partner-led Fundraisers: Corporates and schools can tap on existing CSR/VIA efforts to raise funds and contribute to the campaign.

3. Matching Funds: Corporates can make additional contributions to encourage employee giving/general donations (e.g., inter-department fundraising challenge/corporate matching of funds raised by employees).

Get in touch with us at for more details. Together, we can make a positive impact on our clients’ lives!