Assistive Technology Hub
Assistive Technology (AT) refers to any item, piece of equipment, or system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities in the domains of living, learning, and working.
It includes the following:
- Wheeled Mobility Devices and Walking Aids
- Activities of Daily Living (ADL) equipment
- Electronic aids for daily living
- Sensory and vision aids
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices
- Classroom and architectural modifications
- Alternative computer access
- Home and workplace modifications
- Seating and positioning aids
The CPAS Assistive Technology Hub provides the following services:
- Capability building of clients with special needs through the provision of assistive technology suited to their needs
- Training staff and caregivers on incorporating suitable assistive technologies in the classroom setting or at home to enhance clients’ learning
- Creating inclusive and barrier-free learning and living spaces by modifying the physical environment at the centre or clients’ homes.
The team conducts functional assessments for referred CPAS clients (children and adults) who have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities and assesses the challenges they experience because of their impairments.
Following the assessment, the team identifies suitable assistive devices. The devices are tried and prescribed to meet the client's specific needs and improve their functional abilities.
The team works closely with family members and other important people in the person’s life to enable consistent and functional use of the system to achieve greater independence and integration.
The deployment process takes approximately six months.
Payment Conditions
- Consultation and follow-up sessions at the AT Hub are free of charge for CPAS clients
- The AT specialist will recommend a suitable solution after a detailed assessment and trials of AT equipment.
- The cost for AT devices varies according to the type of equipment prescribed by the team
- The AT Hub team along with respective Trans-D team members will provide the necessary quotations for the prescribed AT equipment/device
- Families in need of financial support may approach the Social Work Department for assistance of their respective SSAs.
- Following payment, equipment will usually be delivered in approximately 8-10 weeks to CPAS clients.
AT Hub accepts external referrals, for clients with physical or multiple disabilities.
Anyone can raise a referral for the client with physical or multiple disabilities and can contact us for AT consultation if they require AT support in any of the following areas:
- Access to learning in the classroom
- Access to a computer device
- Special seating and positioning
- Wheelchair mobility
- 24-hour positioning
- Daily living skills
They can do this by completing the form below:
AT Hub Referral Form for external clients
Payment Conditions
- Consultation and follow-up sessions at the AT Hub are chargeable for external clients. Charges may vary from $50 - $100 per session depending upon the service chosen.
- The AT specialist will recommend a suitable solution after a detailed assessment and trials of AT equipment.
- The cost for AT equipment varies according to the type of equipment prescribed by AT specialists.
- Following payment, equipment will usually be delivered in approximately 8-10 weeks to clients.
The team works closely with the students using AT devices and provides information and training to CPAS staff on operating and incorporating these devices in classroom teaching for the students.
The Team also conducts training for professionals and caregivers on the varied topics of Assistive Technology, Switch Access, Digital learning material etc, via the Training wing (Learning Development and Consultancy LDC) of CPAS.
AT Hub works to create a barrier-free and easily accessible environment for CPAS clients within the centre or at their homes.
- Principal Occupational Therapist- AT specialist (Certified AT practitioner from Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA); and AT qualified from California State University of Northridge, CSUN)
- Lead Educator- AT Specialist (AT qualified from California State University of Northridge, CSUN)
- Educator -AT Specialist