At CPAS School West, students are categorised into two levels, according to their chronological age:
  • Junior Level (7 years old to 12 years old)
  • Senior Level (13 years old to 18 years old)
Two programmes are offered at CPAS School West:
  1. The High Support Programme caters to students with moderate to high support needs in all areas of their daily living and learning. These students require more assistance in mobility, fine motor skills, self-help, and learning, and will pursue lessons that will promote their well-being. Upon graduation at the age of 18 years, possible post-school outcomes are joining the Day Activity Centre or the Home Management Programme.
  2. The Functional Programme caters to students with mild to moderate support needs in most areas of their daily living and learning. In the senior level, students will learn pre-vocational skills that will support their learning in the vocational domain. Students who demonstrate potential for open employment or sheltered employment, will be trained in the school’s social enterprise, MiniMart@CPAS. Upon graduation at the age of 18 years, possible post-school outcomes are transiting to a Day Activity Centre or Sheltered Workshop.
Full Implementation of Trans-Disciplinary Approach

A Trans-Disciplinary (Trans-D) Approach has been adopted for the three educational programmes above. The Trans-D approach aims to enhance holistic and comprehensive development in students by adopting a common view of educational needs. The approach is a consensual commitment for consistent and integrated planning & implementation. It also provides more opportunities for professional exchange of knowledge and skills between teachers and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs). Teachers share their lesson plans with AHPs on a weekly basis to obtain inputs from their technical domain. Read more about the Trans-D Approach here.

Curriculum Hours
Monday – Thursday
AM Session 8.00 am – 12.30 pm
PM Session 12.30 pm – 5.00 pm
Friday (CCA Day)
AM Session 8.00 am – 11.30 am
Snack Time
AM Session 10.00 am – 10.30 am
PM Session 2.30 pm – 3.00 pm
Rehabilitation Services
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational  Therapy
  • Speech and Language Pathology
  • Psychology Services
  • Social Work Services
  • Medical and Dental Services

A variety of Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) are offered at CPAS School West. Click here to find out more.

Special Events

At CPAS School West, we believe in ensuring that all students’ lives are as rich as their peers in mainstream schools.  Major school events celebrated include:


Racial Harmony Day
Racial Harmony Day 2023

On 20 July 2023 (Thursday), CPASS (West) celebrated Racial Harmony Day with a line-up of exciting activities for all students throughout their respective sessions. Everyone had the opportunity to learn about the different races in Singapore, even before assembly began, as teachers and students arrived to school dressed in their colourful and unique ethnic costumes.


During assembly, the importance of racial harmony was shared with the students, including its relevance to a small country like Singapore. This was followed by the highlight of the presentation – a catwalk where all the students and teachers took turns to show off their individual outfits. The excitement and joy of many of the students was infectious, as they confidently paraded to the beat of the music. After assembly, the classes visited the game booths set up as part of the celebrations. Each booth focused on a traditional game that the various races in Singapore used to play –namely, pick-up sticks, five stones and Gasing. The students were thus able to experience the cultures of different races in a fun and engaging way. In their own classes after Snack time, the students watched a few informative and interesting videos about Racial Harmony Day. They also took part in an Art & Craft activity based on the same theme, where they each created their own rainbow-colored handprints and combined them together. The artwork would signify the coming together of different races in love and harmony. Racial Harmony Day at CPASS (West) was indeed a memorable and meaningful event for all the students and teachers.

It was also heartwarming to see a few students’ parents enthusiastically helping to man the game booths for the morning session. We express our heartfelt appreciation to these parents for their assistance.

National Day
National Day 2023

The entire CPASS (West) community came together with pride to celebrate National Day on 8 August 2023 (Tuesday). Students, staff, and caregivers joined hands in a heartfelt commemoration of this special day, wearing vibrant colours that represent our nation. In the days before the event, our students showcased their creativity by decorating classrooms with symbols of togetherness. Batik paintings, carefully crafted flags, and intricate buntings transformed our learning spaces into colourful displays of unity. Under the open sky, our parade square hosted a meaningful Observance Ceremony. This ceremony set the tone for the celebrations, reminding us that despite our diverse backgrounds, our Singaporean identity unites us.

The theme "Onward as One" isn't just words – it's a reminder of National Day's importance. Staff and students shared what makes our home and heritage special, which of course includes the joy of walking through safe, clean streets and enjoying the diverse food options in our little red dot. Laughter filled the air as students, staff, and caregivers enjoyed the day. Activities like the "Passing the Parcel" quiz and the interactive "Find What's Missing on the Flag" game created shared moments of happiness, highlighting the power of unity.

The festivities peaked with everyone singing beloved National Day songs together. Alongside these melodies, we sang the Birthday song to pay tribute to our nation. As we savoured delicious cake and snacks, our unity and pride shone brightly.

Teachers' Day
Teachers' Day 2023

CPASS (West) celebrated Teachers’ Day on the 31 August 2023 (Thursday). Despite its name, the day was joyfully celebrated by all staff, including Teaching Staff, Non-Teaching Staff and Allied Health Professionals (AHP). All staff have impacted the students’ lives in one way or another, and thus, it was only right to honour and appreciate everyone for all the hard work and heart work they have put in. The celebration was kicked off by a “Younger Me” game where students and staff had to look at a photograph and guess which staff it resembled. The photographs were all from when the staff was at a younger age. Some photographs stumbled the crowd, while some photographs were as clear as day. Regardless, everyone had an enjoyable time and by the end of the game, everyone was in chuckles.

Thereafter, a meaningful and heartfelt poem recited by the students, was showcased. The poem was significant as all the students used their various communication tools to convey their heartfelt thoughts. There was also another appreciation video consisting of photos and videos of staff in action. Mrs Koh-Lim Ai Lay (Principal) also presented the token of appreciation to all staff. Subsequently, students also participated in a range of carnival games, where everyone could just let loose and enjoy the games at their own time and pace. There were also many photographs-taking opportunities all around the school, where both staff and students could go around to take photographs. The school is also extremely grateful for the Parents @ CPAS or P@C (Parents Support Group) who have graciously and generously sponsored food for everyone. They had put in a lot of effort to cook finger food for everyone, and they also made an exceptionally refreshing concoction, which everyone loved.

The school would like to convey our deepest appreciation for these kind gestures. It was indeed a memorable day – a day the school will fondly remember in our CPAS journey. May we all continue to empower our students to realise their full potential and lead fulfilled, dignified, lives. Happy Staff Day to all!

Childrens' Day
Children's Day Celebration 2023

On 4th October 2023 (Wednesday), CPASS East came alive with exuberance and joy as Children's Day unfolded in a kaleidoscope of laughter and reunions. The campus was abuzz with excitement as students and staff reconnected with familiar faces. The event transformed into a carnival of fun-filled game stations and laughter filled the air as everyone engaged wholeheartedly in a myriad of activities, from bouncing joyfully in the bouncy castle to showcasing their skills in air hockey.

Amidst the festivities, the allure of treats added a delightful dimension to the celebration. The aroma of freshly made popcorn mingled with the refreshing sweetness of slushies, enhancing the already jubilant atmosphere. Students giggled and cheered as they indulged in these special delights while revelling in the vibrant energy of the day. The ball pool became a hub of playful excitement, echoing with the gleeful splashes of children embracing the pure joy of being immersed in a sea of colourful balls.

Moreover, the day's festivities extended beyond games and treats, offering a cinematic experience with a captivating movie screening. The allure of creativity and imagination beckoned as some engaged in constructing wonders with Lego sets, showcasing their inventiveness.

Throughout the day, one constant remained—the radiant smiles that adorned the faces of the students. The happiness radiating from the bright smiles beautifully captured the spirit of the day's celebration.