Programmes at CPAS School East

At CPAS School East, students are categorised into two levels, according to their chronological age:
  • Junior Level (7 years old to 12 years old)
  • Senior Level (13 years old to 18 years old)
Three programmes are offered at CPAS School East:
  1. The High Support Programme caters to students with moderate to high support needs in all areas of their daily living and learning. These students require more assistance in mobility, fine motor skills, self-help, and learning, and will pursue lessons that will promote their well-being. Upon graduation at the age of 18 years, possible post-school outcomes are joining the Day Activity Centre or the Home Management Programme.
  2. The Functional Programme caters to students with mild to moderate support needs in most areas of their daily living and learning. In the senior level, students will learn pre-vocational skills that will support their learning in the vocational domain. Students who demonstrate potential for open employment or sheltered employment, will be trained in the school’s social enterprise, MiniMart@CPAS. Upon graduation at the age of 18 years, possible post-school outcomes are transiting to a Day Activity Centre or Sheltered Workshop.
  3. The Academic Programme caters to students with mild support needs in most areas of their daily living and learning. Students in this programme follow the mainstream MOE curriculum for English, Mathematics and Science only, in addition to the Curriculum Framework for SPED Schools. At the age of 9 years, students in this programme are assessed for suitability for education in mainstream primary schools before they transit there. If that is not possible, they can continue to pursue their education following the mainstream curriculum at CPASS and prepare for their Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) at the age of 12 to 15 years old. Upon attaining their PSLE, students will transit to mainstream secondary schools or specialised schools. If they do not pursue secondary education, these students will continue their education at CPASS and prepare for employment in the open market or sheltered employment when they graduate at the age of 18 years.
Full Implementation of Trans-Disciplinary Approach

A Trans-Disciplinary (Trans-D) Approach has been adopted for the three educational programmes above. The Trans-D approach aims to enhance holistic and comprehensive development in students by adopting a common view of educational needs. The approach is a consensual commitment for consistent and integrated planning & implementation. It also provides more opportunities for professional exchange of knowledge and skills between teachers and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs). Teachers share their lesson plans with AHPs on a weekly basis to obtain inputs from their technical domain. Read more about the Trans-D Approach here.

Curriculum Hours
Monday – Thursday
AM Session 8.00 am – 12.30 pm
PM Session 12.30 pm – 5.00 pm
Friday (CCA Day)
AM Session 8.00 am – 11.30 am
PM Session 1.30 pm – 5.00 pm
Snack Time
AM Session 10.00 am – 10.30 am
PM Session 2.30 pm – 3.00 pm
Rehabilitation Services
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational  Therapy
  • Speech and Language Pathology
  • Psychology Services
  • Social Work Services
  • Medical and Dental Services

A variety of Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) are offered at CPAS School. Click here to find out more.

Special Events

At CPASS East, we believe in ensuring that all students’ lives are as rich as their peers in mainstream schools.  Major school events celebrated include:


Children's Day Celebration
Children’s Day Celebration 2021

It’s a bird!

It’s a plane!

It’s….an endangered bird flying on a drone?

On 7 October 2021, CPASS celebrated Children’s Day with a roar. It was based on the animal kingdom theme and held virtually via Zoom for the whole day.

For the first segment, live party hosts brought students through sensory exploration with animal themed resource packs. Activities were conducted using animal stamps, animal scent cards and animal shaped playdough, and interactive songs and dance. For the second segment, teachers dressed up in animal suits and walked around school and pretended to be part of an Animal Safari. The animal mascots represented Singapore’s endangered species, namely the tiger, elephant, otter and monkey,

Many students stood near their classroom doors, eagerly trying to spot the Straw headed Bulbul bird flying past on the Studio IT’s drone. All students enjoyed interacting with the mascots. Although there were challenges in planning a Covid-safe programme, it was worthwhile because the students were engaged and the experience was educational.

A game for the students in the Functional ProgrammeThe students participated in “The Unusual Circus” digital workshop.

Teachers as Animal Mascots

Children’s Day Celebration 2020

In view of Covid-19 situation, 2020 Children’s Day Celebration was not the usual mass gathering & celebration. The chosen theme was called “The Unusual Circus!”.  The celebratory mood started to build up from mid-September when the whole school was decorated with colourful buntings. On the actual day of the event, students were greeted by a special Circus entrance set up at the foyer and hand-painted animal mascots at various stations.

Activities were specially designed to allow students to participate in the comfort of their classrooms or with minimal interactions with other classes to ensure safe distancing. The students participated in a digital workshop customised by artistes from The Artground in their classroom. Activities that were conducted outside the classrooms included game booths, animal rides and trampoline stations. For their snacks, students enjoyed Popeyes chicken set, popcorns and ice-cream while watching a video with pre-recorded greetings from School staff.

Every student had a personalized photograph taken to capture their memory on print at the photobooth manned by students from the Functional Programme. These budding photographers had just graduated from a photography course.

It was a fun-filled and memorable event for every CPASS students!

The students participated in “The Unusual Circus” digital workshop.
The students participated in “The Unusual Circus” digital workshop.
International Friendship Day
International Friendship Day 2021

International Friendship Day was celebrated on 8 April 2021. The theme was ‘Our International Friends Around Us.

The day started with students learning more about fellow students at Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore School (CPAS School) who came from other parts of the world, such as Japan, Malaysia, Scotland, England, India, Indonesia, and Netherlands. It was a surprise to discover that there were many international students amongst us! Indeed, it was fascinating to learn about the various countries, different languages, and culture. The most interesting information must have been the variety of different food that all these different countries have. The international schoolmate friends and their families were interviewed and recorded on videos, which was shared to all classes. It was a remarkable experience listening to the students and families share about their home country, all students and staff were thankful for the rich sharing of knowledge and information.

The day continued with the students learning to make their own Wayang Kulit Shadow Puppet stage and puppets. All students and teachers enjoyed themselves thoroughly. The fun-filled day ended on a high note when all students were given a mini Anklung as a souvenir to remember the memorable day.

Students playing a game together - International Friendship Day

Playing the shadow puppet together - International Friendship Day

International Friendship Day 2020

Cancelled due to Covid-19

Sports Day
Sports Day 2021

Sports Day at CPAS School is an annual event that happens yearly like clockwork and it is as certain as sunrise and sunset. Therefore, when Covid-19 happened in 2020, for the first time in CPAS School history and calendar, Sports Day 2020 was cancelled. Indeed, it was a sad day for all at CPAS.

As the world struggled to cope with the pandemic, and as restrictions slowly eased, Sports Day committee was determined that Sports Day 2021 must happen. However, there was still no green light for Sports Day 2021 to occur, instead, Sports Carnival 2021 was born!

The first Sports Carnival occurred on 29 April 2021, and it was held within the CPAS School premise. The theme was ‘Colours’ and each colour was assigned a school value, namely red for ‘Respect’, green for ‘Integrity’, blue for ‘Confidence’, yellow for ‘Resilience’. Every class was assigned a colour and hence a school value. When for previous years’ Sports Day, all students were given a Sports Day T-shirt, this year all students received a customized mask with the corresponding School value sewn on, and according to the class colour. This year, due to the adherence to the Safety Management Measures of the pandemic, no parents or guests were invited, instead, students and teachers enjoyed themselves tremendously, visiting the variety of games that were set up around the school. Physiotherapists from the Physiotherapy Department who were serving school volunteered at the game booths, and parent-volunteers from the Parent Support Group also helped.

From students to teachers to volunteers, everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly, playing games and interacting with one another while observing safe social distancing. Everybody had a whale of a time, yet silently and secretly, in all our hearts – let there be Sports Day 2022!

Catch of the Day - Sports Carnival

Hungry Crocodiles Game - Sports Carnival

Sports Day 2020
Cancelled due to Covid-19.
Racial Harmony Day
Racial Harmony Day 2021

Racial Harmony Celebration 2021 was celebrated over two days this year. On the eve of celebration, all students and staff were invited to a preview of posters and artefacts of the four races in Singapore, these were hung along corridors and displayed at level 2 at CPASS. Students and staff had to scan the QR codes attached to each poster and artefact to learn more these items. A power-point presentation was shared with all students for them to learn more about the different races in Singapore, and students were encouraged to write notes or use prepared templates of pictures to send well wishes to a school friend whose race is different from theirs.

On 21 July 2021, Racial Harmony observance began with the National Anthem during assembly and the recitation of the pledge in the four different languages, English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil, according to the four races in Singapore. This was followed by a speech given by Principal, Mrs. Koh-Lim Ai Lay, and she continued with a brief explanation of the meaning and importance of racial harmony in Singapore. Students learned about the racial riots that happened and the events that led to the institution of Racial Harmony Day. They also learned about the different food, music and dance performances of the four races.

In celebration of Racial Harmony students and staff came to school dressed in their ethnic clothing. Several students and their families were invited to showcase their traditional ethnic clothing. Students also had a taste of the different types of food of the four races, such as murukku, swiss-roll cakes, wafer biscuits and gula melaka dessert. Everyone had an enjoyable time and the day ended on a happy and harmonious note.

Posters with QR codes hung around school

The 3 Principles of Racial Harmony

2021 Racial Harmony poster

Racial Harmony Day 2020
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Through this M4U activity, students communicated the cultural uniqueness found in each racial group.

2020 theme for Racial Harmony Day 2020 was, “Unity is Strength". Words have the power to build or break and by emphasizing on one of our school values, Respect, we wanted to remind our students to continue to use words that will build and empower people, especially in a society with diverse cultural and religious differences. We organised two activities namely Message For You (M4U) and Hanky of Unity.

This year’s celebration held on 16 July also encouraged CPASS students to embrace each other’s cultural uniqueness through art. With the exposure to fabric from the different racial groups, our students learnt to combine these materials together to create a beautiful masterpiece.



National Day
National Day 2021 - Together Our Singapore Spirit

On 6 August 2021, CPASS was abuzz with the hustle and bustle of National Day Celebrations. Morning assembly started with an Observance Ceremony consisting of a march-in performance by three male teachers, Mr. Nazir Bin Kamal Rahim, Mr. Lim Qing Yong, and Mr. Muhd Shukry Bin Zainudin, in their military uniform, accompanied by a student scout, Adrian Chan Benng Heam, and then followed by the singing of our National Anthem and the recitation of the Singapore Pledge. The day’s celebratory events consisted of two segments - the National Day presentation, and the history journey of Singapore. Both segments were hosted live via Zoom by Mr. Abhinav Joshi and Ms. Nurul Asyiqin Abdullah.

The first segment focused on the significance of the Singapore flag, the colours of the flag and Singapore’s date of Independence. Students were treated a recorded skit performance by our teachers Mr. Nazir Bin Kamal Rahim, Ms. Kavitha Balakrishnan and Mr. Karthikgayan S/O Devaindran. The skit was very well received because it brought much laughter and taught students about Singapore’s prominent landmarks.

The second segment was about Singapore’s history where students learned about Singapore’s growth through the years. Students enjoyed songs from the various eras such as 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s. Each class was given a set of items consisting of vintage items such as phone cards, glass bottles and Ring Pop, to learn about Singapore’s past. The most enjoyable part of the day’s celebration must be the National Day songs! The students and teachers played games which required them to identify and guess the names of songs and its lyrics, as well as sing-along to iconic national day songs such as “Count on me Singapore”, “Home” and “Reach out for the skies”. Though Singapore was in SMM Heightened Alert phase 2, the spirit of Singapore National Day at CPASS was not diminished, instead it reached a new high as teachers and students sang and bonded as we celebrated Singapore National Day 2021.

March-in performance by teachers and student scout.

Recorded skit performance by teachers

Recorded dance performance by teachers

National Day 2020

National Day celebrations provided an opportunity for CPASS students to gain a greater sense of historical importance & solemnity for National Day. The theme for this year’s National Day Parade (NDP) is "Together, A Stronger Singapore". This year's NDP calls on Singaporeans to stay as united people and work together to emerge from challenges "stronger than before”.

On 7 August, our students learnt more about National Day and sang National Day songs during their CCA session. On that day, unlike any other day year, the students started the celebration with a National Day march-past by teachers through Zoom. Thereafter, they unleashed their imagination through National Day art & craft activity. Snack boxes were provided for students to enjoy a meal together with their peers in classroom to emphasise the importance of unity.

Through this celebration, the School hopes to foster in students a strong sense of national identity and pride for our Nation along with the determination to stand together & emerge from the crisis stronger as one nation.

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Students were learning about National Day through the slides.
Teachers' Day
Teachers' Day 2021

“Of all the hard jobs around, one of the hardest is being a good teacher.” (Maggie Gallagher)

On 2 September 2021, CPASS celebrated Teachers' Day to honour the teachers who teach and care for their students. These teachers have invested much time in their profession ensuring that learning include the element of fun in the classroom.

The celebration was held virtually via Zoom. The day began with the presentation of token gifts to all staff by Principal, Mrs Koh-Lim Ai Lay. After the presentation, the celebration continued with numerous performances by students, and a special video montage to honour and celebrate the occasion. The video montage was done by Ms. Masayu Nurulhuda, IT Executive and Ms. Shalani Suppermaniam, Teacher. Student emcees Keertana d/o Chandran (am session) and Chooi Hao Xuan Louis (pm session) brightened up the celebration with their happy smiles and cheerful voices.

Students also showed their love and affection for their teachers through messages on cards or artistic performances such as song and dance, and even poems. Though the celebration was simple, it was much enjoyed by everyone in school, and all went home with happy smiles on their face.

Teachers’ Day Awards were presented in the following 6 categories.

Most Diligent Staff Award
Ms. Faezah Abdul Rahman

Most Creative Staff Award
Ms. Nurul Asyiqin Abdullah

Most Cheerful Staff Award
Ms. Kan Yuan Ping

Most Cheerful Staff Award
Ms. Farrah Riyanna Abdol Rajak

Most Caring Staff Award
Ms. Sheila Menon

Most Generous Staff Award
Ms. Sim Chai Leng, Lynn

Most Helpful Staff Award
Ms. Hartini Abdul Manap

Teachers' Day 2020

Teachers’ Day in Singapore is celebrated annually on the first Friday in the month of September.  It is an occasion to celebrate the relationship between school staff and the students. However, due to the Covid-19 situation and the strict SMM that the school has had to adhere to, the School decided to celebrate the occasion with a difference. This year, on the 3 September, CPASS had its first Teachers’ Day celebration via Zoom for both morning and afternoon sessions. The emcees for that day was Lucas Chan (Eagle 10A) and Cheong Nur Faidisha Qistina (Eagle 8B). They exuded confidence and did a fantastic job hosting the event. CPASS students showed their appreciation to the staff via pre-recorded performances.

To show her appreciation to all the school staff, Mrs Koh (Principal) presented the Teachers’ Day gift personally to all staff by going into their respective classes. Mrs Koh also presented Staff Awards to staff in 6 different categories voted by fellow colleagues. These awards were the Most Generous Staff Award, Most Caring Staff Award, Most Diligent Staff Award, Most Creative Staff Award, Most Cheerful Staff Award and Most Helpful staff Award.

In sum, everyone enjoyed themselves on that day. It was a day when students showed their appreciation in their own unique ways and for all staff to reflect and renew their commitment to give their best to the students.

Lucus Chan (Eagle 10A) was the Emcee through Zoom
Graduation Day
Graduation Day 2021

On 18 November 2021, CPASS celebrated the most important ceremony in a student’s life - Graduation. All SPED students graduate from school at the age of 18 years old. This event marks the student’s transition into adulthood. This occasion is both a happy and yet somewhat sad and solemn affair because it is an opportunity to show appreciation to the significant people who have made significant effect and affect in their lives, the teachers and allied professionals, including their classmates and friends in school, as well as to bid a fond farewell to them as they graduate to the next phrase in their lives.

The Graduation committee planned eagerly and remained steadfast that the ceremony shall proceed and be duly honoured regardless of confines of the pandemic situation. Due to the new norms that exist, Graduation was conducted virtually, and the theme chosen was ‘Friend’ because it symbolized the friendships and relationships that have been formed through the years the graduating students have been at CPASS. The preparations for the ceremony was grandiose - every graduating student prepared for their farewell speech, and class teachers prepared video montage of the years they spent at CPASS. On the day of graduation, all invited guests - therapists, parents, and school friends attended the virtual graduation, and all expressed that they felt touched beyond words as they listened to the wonderful and moving speeches. The graduating students demonstrated great confidence and resilience in their speeches.

Graduation 2021 was truly a heartwarming and enjoyable day for everyone. We would like to thank all staff who helped in the event, as well as to the parents for their support all these years. Congratulations to the graduating 2021 cohort, and may their future be happy.

Student Adrian Chan Benng Heam and Teacher Ms Michelle Chin

Student Lucas Chan and Teacher Ms Nur Haidah Binte Hanapi

Student Thevasri Suresh and Principal Mrs Koh-Lim Ai Lay

Graduation Day 2020

Graduation 2020 was a grand and memorable event for everyone at CPASS, from the graduating students to the staff and all students in School. This was because it was the first graduation ceremony that was conducted online and it was the first graduation celebrated with the families of the graduating students as well as everyone at CPASS. The senior students who graduated this year were Bella Yip Min, Daksh Sharma, Derron Dayven Kalaichelvan, Dhashanamoothi s/o Amardass, Elijah Lam Hong Yolk, Kannan Rajeswari, Linus Chong Zai Ping, Loong Wei Liang, Mohamed Rais Bin Mohamed Raimi, Muhammad Haziq Bin Mohamad Jaffar, Muhammad Firhad Bin Azhar, Ng Thiam Hock Thomas, Ngo Jin Zheng Vic, Nur Aisha Binte Juma’at, Omsree d/o Ezhil Kumaran, and Sofia Endarwy Latiff.

The exciting event kicked off from 9 to 11 November 2020 when the Achievement Awards for SPecial EDucation (AASPED) were presented to 92 students in the following seven awards - Best Conduct, Best Progress, Best Progress in PT, Best Progress in OT, Best Progress in SLP, Leadership in CCA, and Leadership in Prefectorial Board. With SMM in place, Heads of Department presented the certificates to all recipients in their respective classrooms.

On 19 November, Graduation 2020 was held for 16 CPASS senior students via Zoom and for the first time in CPASS graduation history, every student witnessed the ceremony as compared to previous ceremonies where only the families of the graduating students would be present. It was a grand affair which begun with a speech by Principal, Mrs. Koh-Lim Ai Lay followed by an introduction of each graduate through a montage of their memorable journey at CPASS. It was both a poignant moment and celebration of sorts - of the completion of each graduate’s educational journey in CPASS and the excitement of his/her transition into adulthood and life thereafter.

A graduation gift was prepared for and given to every graduate and it consisted the graduation prom gown/suit, a personalized graduate teddy-bear, a personalized water bottle, four photographs of the graduate in his/her graduation prom gown/suit, and a thumb-drive capturing all the pictures and videos of each graduate’s journey at CPASS.

After the Zoom Graduation ceremony, the exciting day continued with class parties for all students at CPASS in their individual classes. Snack bentos were provided to all students and staff to celebrate the end of the eventful year 2020!

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Graduates in their tailored prom gowns/suits.


School Camps
School Camp 2021

Cancelled due to Covid-19.

School Camp 2020

In August, CPASS organised the annual School Camp for 14 graduating students under the theme “WhatsUpp”. Organisers had to ensure that Covid-19 SMM were adhered to throughout this camp. Camp activities were planned and conducted based on the various modes of social media. Students were organised in groups named after one social media and had fun participating in the Whatsapp Scavenger Hunt and talent show.

The highlight for this camp with a fine dining experience with mocktail served! Teachers dressed up as waitresses and campers dolled up to enjoy a sumptuous dinner served with mocktails while watching recording of their talent show. Special cocktail glasses and garnishes were also used for the mocktails that were served throughout the evening. Students thoroughly enjoyed this specially planned dinner.

Although it was a day camp instead of a stayover event, students had fun thoroughout the camp leaving behind a lasting memory in them.

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Our dedicated teachers worked as “waitresses” during the fine dining segment!
Total Defence Day
Total Defence Day 2021

This year, CPAS School commemorated Total Defence Day on 18 February 2021, because 15 February 2021 was a public holiday, being the off-in-lieu of Chinese New Year. The National Education (NE) Committee organised meaningful and fun-filled activities for the students as well as staff. These activities consisted of PowerPoint Slides and quiz for teachers to present to the students in class. Teachers, Mr Abhinav Joshi and Mr Nazir Bin Kamal Rahim shared about their experiences during National Service (NS) and showed items they had used during NS. A photo booth was also set up in the newly renovated StudioIT! for students to take commemorative photographs of the event. A Total Defence Artwork competition was also set up for students to unleash their creativity and create headgears related to the 6 defences. The NE Committee collected the artworks and selected 8 winners, 1 from each programme and session. The prize for winning the competition was a certificate.

Every student and staff enjoyed the event thoroughly and returned home, fortified by the experience, remembering the importance of collective defence as well as knowing that every Singaporeans plays a part in the building of a united and resilient society which contributes to the success and security of Singapore.

Student, Yap Wei You, posing behind the costume of a police officer, having his photo taken at the Photo Booth in StudioIT!

Teacher, Ms Wang Ai Vui using the power point slides to present on the importance of Total Defence to her class students.

Chan Ka Ho (Left) is applying the camouflage cream with his teacher, Mr Naz’s assistance.

Total Defence Day 2020

Each year Total Defence Day is commemorated on 15 February. It marks Singapore's fall to the Japanese in 1942. The commemoration of Total Defence Day seeks to remind people of the sufferings endured by our fore fathers during the Japanese Occupation.

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the teachers of National Education (NE) Committee revised the Total Defence Commemorative Day programme so that it could be conducted by the class teachers in their respective classes. Students were given art pieces to paint and participate in an art competition. The NE team teachers had also prepared some PowerPoint Slides which consisted of these teaching points:

  • What is Total Defence?
  • A general overview of Total Defence
  • Introduction of the 6th Pillar of Defence
  • The theme of the Past and Present Total Defence Days
  • The theme for Total Defence 2020
  • Graphic illustration showing the 5 pillars of Defence
  • Graphic illustration showing the newly added 6th Defence - Digital Defence
Total Defence Day IMG
A client painting an airplane.