CPAS School student Qistina was featured in a video by Singapore Press Holdings! Watch it here.
Always sporting a wide smile, Qistina enjoys coming to school to learn, play and meet her friends. She is also teacher’s little helper – always guiding classmates during lessons, even reminding them to pay attention when the teacher is speaking. Hailed as an excellent role model for her friends, Qistina has even been nominated to be a school prefect by her teacher.
Born with cerebral palsy, Qistina’s condition makes it difficult for her to manipulate small items such as buttons, zippers and clasps on clothing. Activities that require coordination of both her hands also present a challenge.
With the support of the CPAS Occupational Therapy Department, Qistina is now better equipped to manage everyday activities. She is now able to feed herself and brush her teeth independently given a good environmental setup such as easily accessible toothbrushes.
Qistina is also making tremendous improvement on her handwriting and writing skills. Music is one of Qistina’s favourite classes, and she dreams of becoming a singer one day.
Qistina’s enthusiasm for school is easily infectious - one cannot help but smile at the positivity this girl radiates!