Special Arts offers students with interest in art to learn useful skills from our art instructor, Mr Patrick Yee.It provides a platform for students to showcase their talent and expand their knowledge in art and art-making through different media by means of painting, mosaic making, silk printing, 3-D sculpture with […]
Scouts – CCA
CPASS Helang group is an extension of the Scouts CCA which provides a platform for self-development and self-discovery. Scouts will aim to learn and demonstrate knowledge of basic scouting skills and mark achievements in areas such as camp craft, fun activities, citizenship and improving the environment. While we follow the […]
Boccia – CCA
Boccia is a target sport. The aim of this Niche CCA is for students to throw, roll or kick the ball as close as possible to a white target ball (the jack). The game can be played either individually, in pairs or as a team of three. It requires a […]