Help Bing Yao GROW With Your Love #FriendsOfSuzy

Meet Bing Yao, a trainee in the Goodwill, Rehabilitation and Occupational Workshop (GROW) at Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS). Aged 30, Bing Yao has Spastic Quadriplegia, a form of cerebral palsy affecting his walking, movements, and hearing.

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Journey Together: Giving Back To The Community

One of our Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore School’s beliefs is “Everyone Can Serve”. Guided by this belief, students are involved in ways to give back to the community. Watch this video on how our CPASS Student, Aloysius Gan and his classmates contribute their time and craftwork in support of Lee Ah Mooi Nursing Home.

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Meet Emma! #AutismAwareness #FriendsOfSuzy

Meet Emma, she is turning 7 this year. Since 2018, Emma has been attending the Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Children (EIPIC) at Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS).

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Heartware Network X CPAS Alumni Programme

Youth Volunteers Pilot Virtual Befriending for Adults with Cerebral Palsy.
The CPAS Connect Alumni Programme was conceptualised in 2016 to provide activities to engage persons with cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities beyond schooling years.

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Back to School with Sun Ling #FriendsofSuzy

Most children and youth dread the reopening of the new school term. Not for Sun Ling, an ex-student who studied at Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore School (CPASS).

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Meet Kara, Jia Yi and Kah Ho

Meet Kara, Jia Yi and Kah Ho, three individuals living with cerebral palsy. Coming from different backgrounds and living with varying levels of disability, they each had their lives changed by the services at CPAS.

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Meet Sayfullah, the trapped chatterbox

Sayfullah was born with quadriplegic cerebral palsy, the most severe form of cerebral palsy. Read more about how assistive technology such as Touch Chat is helping him to communicate with friends and family.

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Meet Qistina, the aspiring singer

Qistina dreams of becoming a singer. Never seen without a wide smile on her face, Qistina brings joy to every room. Cerebral palsy may have caused difficulties in her motor coordination but her zest for life is evident!

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Meet Wei Lun & Faye, whose dreams know no limits with their AAC devices

Not being able to communicate your thoughts and feelings can be frustrating. Thanks to their new Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device, conversations with others are made much easier for Wei Lun and Faye, two individuals living with cerebral palsy.

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